It all begins here

Luiz Otávio Moreira Abreu
2 min readDec 9, 2020

Hi! How are you? My name is Luiz Otavio Moreira Abreu, and I am a Brazilian industrial designer/strategist based in Milan, Italy. Since 2010 I’ve been dancing in the design field, and, in the pursuit of putting things together, I’ve started to feel the need of spreading some of the doubts (I’m almost never certain of anything, to be honest…hehe) to the world, and especially you, who reads me right now.

Therefore, the objective of this space is to open up a discussion over the realisations I’ve had over my (brief) career; the texts written by me are product of discussions, talks, and exchanges I’ve had with the people that made me the designer I am today (the same people that still help me shape why and how I try to provide a positive impact in the world): André Marcolino, Rafael Zuchi, Chicco Ferretti, Dagy Siemieniec, Domiziana Rozza, Marcello Marino, Luca Sacchi, among others.

In other words, these realisations could be considered reflections over what is to be an industrial designer today, working as part of the strategic plans of a company/brand. I should touch on topics that go from the endorsement of the strategy based on the design mindset; to accountability of new ideas; to a subject very dear to my heart, and the one to be approached first in a (quite looong) series of articles: design language — or design semantics, depending on your philosophical point of view… in the hope that by sharing what I’ve gathered over the years some clarity may come not only to you, but also to yours truly.

Photo by Jeffrey Keenan. Unsplash. All rights reserved.

In summary, I would like to welcome you, and hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them; and, if there is any doubt, comment, disagreement, please, feel free to write me.





Luiz Otávio Moreira Abreu

Industrial Designer/Strategist with over 30 years of trying to understand better my surroundings…